Apex pure electric super run ap-0 will appear with innovative driving assistance and connection functions

Posted 2022-07-05 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

According to foreign media reports, the concept electric vehicle ap-0 of the manufacturer apex will appear at the Geneva International Motor Show. The ap-0 has innovative features that not only better connect the vehicle and the driver, but also better sense the surrounding environment. (photo source: www.newmobility. Global) ap-0 is equipped with advanced LiDAR sensor technology, which greatly improves the accuracy and safety of driving assistance. The lidar sensor can generate detailed map of the surrounding environment of the vehicle, generate high-resolution 3D image, and recognize fine details more than 100 meters away under various weather conditions, with an accuracy of up to several centimeters. This technology improves the ADAS performance of ap-0, enables it to identify potential hazards, pedestrians, cyclists and other vehicles more accurately, and provides safety guarantee for drivers. The ap-0 is also equipped with a holographic augmented reality (AR) display and an AR race instructor. Help drivers learn new tracks in a game like way, and provide a completely immersive racing experience. In addition, ap-0 can regularly add new functions through the air software update, and optimize existing functions through Wi Fi. Apex vehicles not only have the connection function in the technical sense, but also an art form, connecting the driver with his love for driving. Built on this philosophy, the ap-0 integrates sustainability, cutting-edge technology, trendy design, and emotional connectivity between the driver and the vehicle.

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