Carrying "China core" horizon will push forward a new computing platform

Posted 2023-06-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

"Chip" is the key word of the year 2019. The development of China's native semiconductor industry affects the nerves of Chinese people. For autonomous driving vehicles, it is particularly important to master the complete autonomy of chips and other key components. Recently, horizon, an AI chip company, announced that it will release a new generation version of matrix computing platform on CES in 2020, and display the second generation of China's first AI chip of vehicle specification level and a series of intelligent driving landing results. The matrix automatic driving computing platform (matrix 1.0) was first released in April 2018 and iterated to version 1.6 in June of the same year. The platform is an automatic driving solution for L3 and above, which can meet the high-performance and low-power computing requirements of automatic driving scenarios. According to horizon, the new matrix to be released is based on the second generation of journey chip, which will be able to meet the needs of perception and calculation of autonomous driving operation teams and unmanned low-speed cars in many countries and different scenarios. It is reported that the second generation of journey chip was officially launched in August this year. The chip is equipped with the BPU 2.0 (brain processing unit) computing architecture independently developed by horizon, which can provide more than 4TOPS (trillion times per second) of equivalent computing power, with a typical power consumption of 2W. The second generation of journey can deal with many kinds of AI tasks, which can meet the needs of intelligent driving scenes such as automatic driving perception, visual mapping and positioning, visual ADAS, and human-computer interaction such as voice recognition and eye tracking. Horizon journey chip: in November this year, horizon officially signed a contract with freitek, a domestic intelligent driving solution provider, and it is also the first domestic front loading ADAS cooperation project announced to the public. Horizon's partners include OEMs such as SAIC and tier 1 such as Bosch and Faurecia. Based on the existing partners, horizon may get more orders for front loading ADAS projects in the future. Horizon introduced that in 2020, CES will also display multiple cooperative landing solutions, such as ADAS, automatic driving, crowdsourcing high-precision map, in car multi-mode interaction, which are enabled by the second generation of journey. In addition, horizon will announce its cooperation with multiple international tier 1.

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