Emergency deployment! Jiangling Automobile goes all out to prevent and control the epidemic

Posted 2023-03-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Novel coronavirus pneumonia emergency organization was set up this morning to launch the epidemic prevention and control and the forenoon ambulance production. In the face of novel coronavirus pneumonia in the whole country, the group leadership team headed by Qiu Tiangao, chairman of Jiangling group, has made urgent arrangements and made overall arrangements. At present, the company has received more than 1000 orders for ambulances, "special ambulances with negative pressure warehouse: more than 200 orders" in the face of a large demand for ambulances in the market, Jiangling Automobile has made all-out and rapid response, and the majority of cadres and employees actively give up their leave to return to work, work overtime, and concentrate resources to complete the order delivery with quality and quantity guaranteed. The emergency work meeting of epidemic situation requires strict implementation of prevention and control management and work arrangement, providing safe and healthy working environment for all employees of the company, and providing guarantee for emergency production of ambulance. According to the spirit of the meeting, Jiangling Co., Ltd. established a leading group for epidemic prevention and control led by Jin Wenhui, the first executive vice president. The leading group consists of five working groups: epidemic prevention and control group, production material support group, production and shipment group, post support group and publicity working group. During the outbreak, the working groups quickly implemented their work according to the division of labor. First, attach great importance to and strengthen leadership, require to establish a quick response and tracking feedback mechanism, implement the prevention and control work to each post and each person, ensure safety, and track the ideological trends of employees; second, all groups should allocate forces, determine special personnel, closely cooperate, communicate and coordinate, timely report the situation, and practically strengthen cooperation; third, put the health of employees first, and timely investigate For high-risk groups, strengthen the protective measures, strengthen the publicity and education of epidemic prevention and control; fourth, all relevant units make every effort to ensure the ambulance production preparation, contact and determine the personnel status and material preparation, and do a good job in the ideological work of employees entering the post in advance. Life is more important than Mount Tai. Epidemic is an order. Prevention and control is a responsibility. In the face of the epidemic situation, Jiangling Automobile emergency deployment, go all out, to win the national epidemic prevention and control Sniper War to contribute their own strength.

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