Hitachi cooperates with TomTom to develop real-time road hazard information services for navigation and ADAS applications

Posted 2023-03-10 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

According to foreign media reports, Hitachi automotive systems America, Inc. and positioning technology expert TomTom (tom2) are working on a concept certification to develop new real-time road hazard services for navigation and advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS). (photo source: TomTom) through cooperation, the two companies will combine their own technical advantages to update the information about the location of road hazards in real time, and send the information to the navigation application and ADAS application running TomTom Internet service, and such information can be detected by Hitachi's automobile sensors, ECU (control unit) and vehicle DNN (deep neural network) Measured. Hitachi automotive systems USA will use its onboard sensors and edge processor technology to detect road potholes and road debris, process such information before sending it to the cloud. This information is then transferred to TomTom's cloud based fusion engine. At present, the engine is currently used in TomTom's traffic data service, tomtom traffic. Later, tomtom will pass the dangerous information to all the navigation and ADAS applications running TomTom's Internet connection service (the same way as its traffic data transmission), so as to help drivers make better driving decisions, save time, reduce pressure and create a safer road. Hitachi automotive systems USA hopes to provide an ad / ADAS ECU platform that can support Hitachi automotive system on-board applications and third-party service applications, so that the platform can become a key driver for enterprises and end users to provide more scalable, safer and more reliable Internet services.

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