Musk releases video: Tesla will "talk"

Posted 2023-03-28 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

(photo source: official website) according to foreign media reports, a video released by Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, shows that in the near future, the company's car will not only be able to talk with people inside the car, but also with people outside. It's no secret that Tesla wants to use AI technology in its products. Two years ago, Tesla hired Andrej karpath to lead its computer vision and artificial intelligence team, which has been expanding ever since. Tesla's main use of AI is obviously function, but the company has been trying other uses. For example, they have previously developed a neural network for detecting weather. Musk also wants to achieve better voice control function, so that the owners can control Tesla vehicles. He even said that Tesla vehicles will be able to answer the owners' questions in the end. Musk hopes that Tesla vehicles can have artificial intelligence similar to the kit in "Thunderbolt Ranger". Some time ago, musk revealed his plan. According to the tweet released by Musk on January 12, he still hopes to realize the plan: "if you like, Tesla vehicles will be able to talk to people soon. It's true. " In addition to that, musk released a video. In the video, a Tesla Model 3 drives and says, "don't just stand there and stare at me. Get in the car." After that, the car said a word, but it couldn't be heard clearly due to the quality of the recording. According to previous reports, Tesla upgraded the front bumper of the model 3 last year and installed a loudspeaker rack inside. The move is in preparation for the addition of a pedestrian warning system to model 3, which is required by regulations in the US and Europe for low-noise vehicles. Last year, Tesla released an upgrade for model 3 to make the vehicle sound when moving forward or reversing at a low speed (less than 19 mph). According to the latest video released by musk, Tesla seems to want to make better use of the external speaker forced by the regulatory policy to have some new functions. Musk did not say when the new feature would be officially launched, but confirmed that the company was developing "fast mode" and "sentry mode".

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