Progress in waymo self driving road test over 20 million miles

Posted 2023-03-19 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Recently, waymo, a subsidiary of alphabet, the parent company, ushered in a milestone. In 2019, its self driving open road test mileage reached 10 million miles (16.09 million kilometers). By contrast, the last 10 million miles took waymo nearly a decade. It is understood that Waymo first originated in the 2009 Google Corporation's autopilot car program, so far has more than 10 years of development history. "We have completed 20 million miles of self driving road tests," waymo chief executive John Krafcik said at a technical dinner. Autonomous driving requires a lot of real world experience, which can't be avoided. We have to have it. " Before the real production of the automatic driving vehicle, it is necessary to ensure that the system safety cannot do without a lot of tests. As early as 2016, Rand think tank once pointed out that an automatic driving system needs to test 11 billion miles (about 17 billion 700 million kilometers) to achieve the mass production application condition, which is equivalent to 118 Earth days distance (the average distance between the earth and the sun is about 93 million miles). The CEO has also said that if autonomous driving is to be approved by regulators around the world, it needs to accumulate at least 6 billion miles of test mileage. By the standards of Rand think tank, waymo has finally achieved about 0.21 distance between the earth and the day, far less than 11 billion miles. However, the simulation test mileage of waymo is considerable, and it has completed 10 billion miles by July 2019. Whether it's open road testing or simulation testing, waymo is the "leader" in the world's automated driving industry. At present, waymo one travel service has been officially operated in Phoenix, Arizona for more than one year, and has been approved to carry passengers in California. In the future, waymo one service will be open to more users. In October 2019, Waymo launched another bold attempt to launch a self driving car without security personnel in some areas. The cancellation of safety officers is a positive exploration for waymo itself and for global autonomous driving.

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